24 juli 2015


This sculpture called Egnoaber was revealed less than a month ago on the brand new Townhall Square in the village of Emmen.
It was Belgian sculpturor Nick Ervinck (1981) who made this 7 m high runaway tree root-like structure. He was inspired by Eastern as well as Western artistic forms. Egnoaber was designed on Ervincks computer, and was then given shape by the use of polyester.

The new square looks nice and spacious, and has several shallow water 'ponds' in which children can play.
But what to think of Egnoaber up there? I'm not sure. Maybe you can help me? :)

7 opmerkingen:

  1. No, that's surely some alien creature...

  2. I have been watching too many movies. It's a alien invasion from outer space. (◣_◢)

  3. It looks like something you would expect to see on a coral reef.

  4. Good grief! Someone ought to hit that thing with a shot of Clorox. :-)

  5. Water Pools are wonderful for children.
    But the sculpture resembles fighting crowds (or runaway yellow intestines :).

  6. Interesting. Not sure that I like it though...


Don't be shy and leave a comment. I'd love to read what you think!