30 september 2014

Huisje van Uneken

The ´huisje van Uneken´ (Uneken's home) is an old farm house in which the Uneken family lived until 1967 and it has been left empty since. It is located in the nature reserve 'Bargerveen' in the south east of the province Drenthe. But instead of tearing it down, Staatsbosbeheer (a Dutch government organisation for forestry and the management of nature reserves) bought it and they transformed it into a giant 'insect hotel'! Window openings were closed with loam, and hundreds of holes were made into the walls for insects to enter. Small animals like mice and hedgehogs find a home here as well.

The house is closed for visitors, but it is possible to walk around it and there are footpaths and cycling routes nearby. A few weeks ago we made a nice walk in the Bargerveen area and we had a look here. It was lovely with all the flowers!

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