27 november 2013

November afternoon

Enjoying some fresh air on a grey and quiet November afternoon; this rural area in the south of the province Groningen is on a less then 15 min. drive from our house.

These signs are for bicycle trips but there are also lots of routes available if you are on foot.

Participating in Lesley's signs, signs.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful ! I love the rural areas and only fresh air.
    Greetings !

  2. wat een heerlijke ruimte dat is hier ongekend.

  3. Lovely! I love to hike and I bet this is a great spot for a good walk :)

  4. None of these locations seems very far, so quite a manageable trip in any direction!

  5. I've always found the measurements to the decimal interesting. I think our distances are rounded off as we don't see anything less than 1km.

  6. Looks like a very lovely area to walk and bike!


  7. Looks like you also have the gray weather. But it does not matter when you have a walking.

  8. I like those bicycle signs. There are also quite a few of them here in Berlin. They can also be useful when you're on foot!

  9. We have the same kind of signs here in Germany, the only difference, they are with red letters.


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