7 oktober 2013

seal rescue

Inside the seal sanctuary of Ecomare on the island Texel, sick or wounded seals, or young ones left by their mother, are getting all the care they need. As soon as the animals are healthy enough to take care of themselves, they are brought back to sea in these kind of boxes.
In de zeehondenopvang van Ecomare op Texel krijgen zieke of gewonde zeehonden, of jongen die in de steek zijn gelaten door hun moeder, alle zorg die ze nodig hebben. Zodra ze weer gezond genoeg zijn om voor zichzelf te zorgen, worden ze in dit soort kratten terug naar zee gebracht.

Linking to Blue Monday.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. There's a rescue service for just about any kind of animal.

  2. Hello Marleen,

    What a good thing to do. The seals are fortunate that there are people who care. Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday!


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