25 september 2013

smoked fish for sale

..and a lot of other things, like ice-cream, coffee, cabins, and boat trips. This sign was near a parking spot just outside the small fishing village Kuggoren on the east coast of Sweden.
Behalve gerookte vis is er nog veel meer te koop, zoals ijs, koffie, huisjes, en boottochten. Dit bord stond bij de parkeerplaats net buiten het vissersdorpje Kuggoren aan de oostkust van Zweden.

Linking to signs, signs.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. home made signs can be so entertaining to see!
    (and I just ate a meal of smoked salmon and eggs... yum)

  2. I like the pile of rocks to help hold the sign up! Great home-made sign!

  3. No doubt a very helpful and useful sign!

    Visiting from Signs, Signs.


  4. Smoked fish can be wonderfully tasty. Were I there, I would have to check this out.

  5. oh i like that! my grandpa used to catch salmon and smoke it, it was yummy!

  6. Now, that yellow fish sign definitely stands out. You can't miss it. genie


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